The Ethics Committee of the Health Council of South Florida, was established in 1989 and serve as an unbiased forum, a collective voice and a resource to identify and address the ethical components of important health care issues that arise in our community. The mission of the Ethics Committee is to serve as an unbiased forum and resource to identify and address ethical issues related to health status, access to healthcare, and health disparities in Miami-Dade and Monroe Counties. A Board of Directors governs the Council, and the Ethics Committee is a standing committee of the Board. This committee will have oversight of questions relating to the development of, and compliance with, governance and ethics principles of the Council, and will, from time to time, make such recommendations in reference thereto as in its opinion may be desirable.
Its members include health care providers, educators, researchers, community advocates, clergy, and experts in the fields of bioethics and law.
Policy, Planning and Advisory Committee (PPAC)
“PPAC” is the Policy, Planning and Advisory Committee of the Health Council of South Florida, Inc. A Board of Directors governs the Council, and the Policy, Planning and Advisory Committee is a standing committee of the Board. The PPAC should be persons broadly representatives of the South Florida community and should include a number of individuals as determined by the Board of Directors from time to time. This Committee is expected to advise on Miami‐Dade and Monroe Counties community strategic planning, legislative agenda and other policy recommendations as requested by the Board. Each member of PPAC actively contributes to the community by assuring that health services and facilities are accessible and affordable.
Nominating Committee
Paul Gluck, MD
Deborah Mulligan, MD, FAAP, FACEP
Jose Perdomo, MHSA, JD
Edward Rosasco, FACHE
Max Rothman, JD, LLM
Finance Committee
Ela Alarcon-Cabrera, Chair
Luis E. Collazo
Bryan Velaquez
Laura Dominguez-Vazquez, BFN, MBA
Jerry Mashburn
For more information on any committee:
Vanessa Naranjo
Director of Operations
305-592-1452 ext. 110